Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's a Good Thing

I wanted to do a post about my 'one little word' already. I picked the word DO. Skip down a couple of posts if you want to read more about it. But, I've decided already that I picked the right word for me for this year. At least for right now. It has been a motivating word already this year. Especially when exercising. Hubby has been using it as a reminder to keep going and a motivator to DO what I think I can't. It really has helped. When he reminds me what I picked as a word, when I want to quit, it makes me keep going. I don't want to disappoint him and I don't want to disappoint myself and my reasons for picking the word DO. Anyway, what I'm saying is I did a good thing here, picking this word for myself.
How is your word going so far? Have you reflected on it yet? Maybe you should. Just because it's early in the year doesn't mean it hasn't already affected your life.

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